AI-system generating tasks for hosting sports events. Our system is the best application to reduction of costs hosting events. We create product that are convenient and easy to use. Service we develop helps people organize and manage sports events all over the World
Experience the possibilities for yourself
Every day we work to make our clients happier and their work easier
Key value
Our service helps to reduce the following costs during sporting events: financial, time, reputational
Reduced time consumption
Вue to event templates, the Organizing Committee spends less time analyzing documents and creating tasks at the initial stage, and then on an ongoing basis, analysis of hosting using AI is carried out based on closing tasks and indexes
Reducing financial costs
The Organizing Committee can optimize the excessively budgeted expenses, including in terms of hiring specialized specialists
Decrease in reputational risks
The system helps to control the fulfillment of all minimum requirements by regularly monitoring their coverage by tasks and predicting possible risks in the preparation process based on the analysis of task closing time and entering indicators for tasks

Start improving your events!

How it works
Creating an event on your own or based on a template
Setup the tasks and departments of your event
Add OC participants and distribute the tasks
Get information in a convenient way
Control the closure of tasks
Achieve your goal with our System
Explore Our Features
  • 1
    We deliver simplify service to distribute tasks between departments

    Already available

  • 2
    Managing the coverage of minimum requirements by the tasks of specialized employees

    Beta version

  • 3
    Recognition of minimum requirements based on AI with generation of tasks and distribution by specialized employees


In the process of organizing KAZANSUMMIT, we strive to increase the effectiveness of the event and optimize resources. One of the tasks that had to be solved was building a convenient and efficient communication system with our participants. Summit delegates live in more than 60 countries, speak 3 main languages, build individual schedules and ask a lot of questions. To modernize communication systems, we needed a specialized tool. We have worked with the maksat.PRO team as they provide the most competitive service for business event organizers. Thanks to their system, we were able to pay more attention to the content of the event and less to regularly double-check, mix and analyze the participants' data.
Ekaterina Kamalova, Program Director KAZANSUMMIT
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A handy tool for sporting events. You can benefit from the best practices in your events
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Organising Committees