Convenient service for improving the quality of training of athletes through data analysis by an algorithm based on artificial intelligence
The algorithm helps to form at the initial stage an individual athlete training plan in the context of elements and update the training plan in the course of training and the results shown
Unique technique!
Training Plan Constructor
For each athlete, you can draw up an individual training plan, which your coach can update during the season based on the results of training and recommendations from the System
It is easy to improve sports achievements of pupils.
Start using the system
For maximum results, involve all participants - coaches, athletes and their parents
The system will be most useful if it has all the necessary data set
Fill in the data on your pupils and their indicators. The system will help at any time to work only with up-to-date data and form the correct history of development
Training plans
Make a training plan and enter data about upcoming games. Based on the results of official tournaments and the end of the academic year, the System will help to compare planned and actual indicators
Get the necessary statistics and analytics during the preparation and performance of athletes. Depending on the rights and role, data will be available in various sections
Efficiency for schools and athletes
A single information base of athletes, coaches, training plans and indicators helps to comprehensively analyze the results of training and monitor the completeness of the study of technical elements.

Professional agents and clubs will be more interested in your athletes, as the System helps to update the training plan based on information about training and participation in official Games
Start to try unique workout plan builder
Handy tool for the coach
The system helps the trainer to automate boring routine operations. The trainer does not need to spend time agreeing on the list of studied elements or manually entering indicators.

With the help of our System, the trainer can concentrate directly on the training process. The system does not replace the coach, but helps him in making decisions and improving the overall level of training of athletes
The system is a platform with many modules. Each school and academy can choose only the set that is needed
  • Athletes
    Personal cards of athletes with training schedules in the System. Allows you to attach cards to training plans
  • Schedules
    Contains the training schedule of athletes, groups, coaches. Contains a training attendance log
  • Competition
    Maintaining a calendar of official games and championships. The generated data is passed to the "Schedule" module
  • Workout constructor
    Allows you to create individual training plans for athletes in the System and update them in the process of preparation
  • Training base
    Management of the generated training plans in the System. Allows you to set up links with technical elements, exercises and groups of athletes
  • Base of technical elements
    Cards of technical elements in the System. Allows you to attach technical element cards to workouts and exercises
  • Coaches
    Management of personal cards of coaches in the System. Allows you to set up links with schedules and athletes
  • Certification of coaches
    Constructor of tests for coaches to pass the certification procedure

  • E-library
    Methodological developments of the specialists, game calendars and regulations
  • Manager Panel
    A mobile application for management that displays all the necessary indicators in infographics

  • Reports and analytics
    Formation of reports and statistics on the sports direction based on the results and achievements of athletes

  • Integration
    Integration with sports and medical systems. Allows you to receive and process information

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